
From fez 7 little words
From fez 7 little words

from fez 7 little words

I still couldn't find any patterns or anything in the side and so I got frustrated again and had to leave it alone. The next day I looked at the ground against thinking SURELY there was something. So the black monolith appears and I looked around the room for other clues. And after a couple of tries (those fucking things always confuse me, I can never tell if they went a left perspective shift or right as silly as that sounds so I always end up going forwards and backwards, =/). Ding ding I was right and you learn quickly that you should always inspect both sides of the map so I looked at it and noticed the tetromino code. I looked around and noticed the design on the floor and thought it looked like a map. I (through playing evidently as things in Fez seem to go this way) stumbled across the room and entered first person mode as it was empty except for the candles. The one that unlocks a heart right? That was one of the last things that I actually completed and this is how I did it. (edit: for a game, I am a grateful person but until now I have never played a game that has made me feel this compelled to say thank you for something I will cherish). Never before have I been so compelled to express my gratitude. Should they read this comment I hope they understand that this game will forever be a game I play, cherish, love, and pass on to friends, family and hopefully one day my own kids! It was a tremendous experience and I look forward to experiencing it again and again. I am extremely appreciative for the amount of hard work, stress, and detail they put into this game and story. I suppose I say this ultimately to say thank you to all of the developers. I truly love this game and look forward to multiple playthroughs. And most of all the developers were able to make powerful themes and motifs resonate in a way that 98% of game simply cannot. I found that the level design was substantially greater than what you find in current triple A titles. At every point the music was on cue, the art imaginative and expressive, the objectives interesting, and the game constantly kept me thinking. In fact words cannot express how well done every aspect of this game was. I managed to get a 209.4% Completion of this game (without help, that is the highest percent right? I suppose this will be the one thing I look up to be sure) and I have to say that this game was truly a beautiful peace of art as well as an enjoyable puzzler.

From fez 7 little words